2014 – Volumen 9, Número 17

Polít. crim. Volumen 9, Número 17, Julio / July 2014

Artículos / Articles

  1. REYES, Claudia “¿Por qué las adolescentes chilenas delinquen? / Why do Chilean female teenagers commit crimes?”.
  2. MAYER, Laura “Almacenamiento de pornografía en cuya elaboración se utilice a menores de dieciocho años: un delito asistemático, ilegítimo e inútil” / “Storage of pornography whose production uses minors under eighteen: an unsystematic, illegitimate and useless crime”.
  3. VELÁSQUEZ, Javier “El origen del paradigma de riesgo” / “Origin of the risk paradigm”.
  4. DUCE, Mauricio “Derecho a confrontación y uso de declaraciones emitidas en un juicio previo anulado” / “Right to confront witnesses and use of statements made in a previously annulled trial”.
  5. ROBINSON, Gwen; McNEILL, Fergus; MARUNA, Shadd “Castigo en sociedad: La improbable persistencia de la probation y otras sanciones y medidas comunitarias” / “Punishment in Society: The improbable persistence of probation and other community sanctions and measures”.
  6. MATTHEWS, Roger “Realismo crítico: un análisis estructural” / “Critical realism: a structural analysis”.
  7. VILLEGAS, Myrna write for me company directories or they can be searched for by you locally. These companies will offer free consultation to assist in promoting your business or product, you begin. If you do not have sufficient time to meet up with them personally, you can also use their services. The best information I can give you would be to build your list , In any event, then build your business! The goal of employing a writing service is to bring in leads you could monetize through PPC, post marketing, and website marketing.

    Mapu?” / “Indigenous punitive systems and Criminal law: does the Az Mapu survive?”. (abrir en una nueva pestaña)” href=”http://politcrim.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Vol9N17A7.pdf” target=”_blank”>”Sistemas sancionatorios indígenas y Derecho penal: ¿Subsiste el Az Mapu?” / “Indigenous punitive systems and Criminal law: does the Az Mapu survive?”.
  8. MATUS, Jean Pierre “El error en la Ley N° 20.357 a la luz del Estatuto de la Corte Penal Internacional y sus efectos en la regulación general del error en Chile”/”Mistake in Law N° 20.357 analyzed under the Statute of the International Criminal Court and its effects regarding the general regulation of mistakes in Chile”.

Documentos / Documents

  1. SÁNCHEZ-OSTIZ, Pablo “En respuesta a Juan Pablo Montiel. Una réplica a su recensión de Fundamentos de Política criminal” / “In reply to Juan Pablo Montiel. A rejoinder to his review of Fundamentos de Política criminal”.

Recensiones / Reviews

  1. CORN, Emanuele “Recensión: CURI, Francesca, Profili penali dello stress lavoro-correlato. L’Homo Faber nelle organizzazioni complesse” / “Review: CURI, Francesca, Profili penali dello stress lavoro-correlato. L’Homo Faber nelle organizzazioni complesse (Criminal profiles of work-related stress. Homo Faber in complex organizations), Bologna: BUP, 2013”.